COVID-19 Stimulus Measures
There are several measures that have been introduced to assist individuals and businesses affected by the COVID-19 virus. These include:
Help with paying ATO debts
Support for businesses and employers (including boosting cash flow, instant asset write-off, the backing business incentive and JobKeeper payments for your employees)
Support for individuals and employees (including JobKeeper payments, early release of superannuation and minimum drawdown rate options)
Support for not-for-profits (including boosting cash flow, amendments for ancillary funds, and JobKeeper changes for charities and universities)
Support for tax professionals (including lodgement and payment deferrals for your clients)
Additional support during COVID-19 (including information on lodgement and payment, varying PAYG Instalments or claiming GST credits)
The ATO also has a range of COVID-19 compliance measures.